LEARN how to Trap Predators

Uncategorized Oct 03, 2020

At RPA we pride ourselves on delivering the most in-depth trappers education program available. We want to fill you in on every single detail that we know separates us from the rest. In the trapping world, just as in any craft, the folks at the top keep some things to themselves so they can continue to perform at a level above and beyond the rest. Not RPA. 

We want our members to achieve our level of trapping success and give them the tools to go BEYOND us. Not only do we show you exactly what we do in a step-by-step format, we explain the concepts of why we do what we do so you can take that information, adapt, and think of creative solutions on your own! Thinking critically and creatively not only helps our members to learn faster but it allows them to work quickly and confidently out in the field because they grasp these concepts. 

If you’re a beginner and have never touched a trap before in your life, we will guide you through the entire process. RPA doesn’t SHOW you how to trap, we TEACH you how to trap. You could watch all of the DVDs and videos of folks trapping in the world but odds are they are just throwing in sets at full speed. If you blink you may miss the whole thing! It’s hard to learn when you have to figure out most of the details on your own. At RPA we show you those details so you will LEARN how to trap. 

If you’re a seasoned trapper, you can use our course to evaluate your current practices and make adjustments that will lead to a higher level of efficiency and success. Not to mention you’ll be able to use tricks and secrets that Rusty and our team have learned over decades of experience - things that the other guys would keep to themselves. You get it all. We are 100% dedicated to taking you to the next level. We aren’t afraid of you becoming a better trapper than us...we WANT our members to be better than us. 

RPA doesn’t hold anything back and we are here to answer any questions you may have.

Email us with questions - [email protected]


50% Complete

Two Step

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