You've got to KNOW IT

Nope. We're not talking about knowing any particular material. We're not talking about knowing techniques. We're talking about CONFIDENCE (see our confident faces above).

To be a successful trapper you need confidence. And I prefer a lot of it. 

You need to have confidence in what you know, your plan, your execution, and your ability. Everything you do, every set you make, should have purpose. I don't set a single trap with low expectations. If you do, you're wasting time. Every trap I put in the ground, cover, and blend, I walk back to the truck telling myself, "oh, that's gonna catch a dog". 

If you're doubting the effectiveness of confidence, let's fix your thinking. When you're confident in what you know, even if you lack experience, your movements, decisions, and speed are all sharpened. You move with purpose. Even if you're making a mistake, or don't follow protocol to the "T", confident action will help to get you in and out of the set faster. 

If you get...

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Learning How to Trap in 2021

These days there are infinite ways to learn how to perform any number of new skills. But when it comes to predator trapping the methods have been the same for decades. In years past many people could point to or name the person who taught them how to trap but today this encounter looks a little bit different - especially when it comes to the next generation of trappers. 

Last month the RPA team had the opportunity to present at the World Deer Expo and the National Trappers Association's annual conventions. At these shows we got to know a wide range of folks who love the outdoors and after a while we started to notice a trend. The vast majority of people, both young and old, who have attempted to learn how to predator trap have used the same tool: YouTube. 

We were also shocked by the number of young men we met who dragged their parents, grandparents, aunts, or uncles to these shows. I guess "dragged" isn't the right word here...It's more like, the kids developed an...

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Take the Confusion out of Trapping Coyotes

We know what it's like out there. Learning how to trap coyotes can be a tough task if you don't know where to look! You can search all over youtube, facebook, and google just to find a bunch of pieces based on varying styles and techniques but still end up right where you started - confused. And in today's world it isn't exactly easy to find a veteran to teach you the ropes. 

Rex Predator Academy wants to put an end to the confusion. Our program is based on decades of proven success and is broken down into a step-by-step format that makes learning easy. Each video is a detailed explanation of one step - not the whole process. This makes looking back to refresh so much easier! 

Forget where to place your trap for a certain set? Watch the "Grounding the Trap" video for that set. 

Can't remember what factors go into choosing a set location? Go to our "Location" module (11 videos). 

Need a refresher on how to bed your trap? Re-watch our "Bed the Trap" video. 


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