Trapline Tips | Only Carry What You Need


We try to make all of our trapline tips simple and easy to digest. This one may be the simplest of all - and for that reason, I'll keep this brief. 

Only carry what you need to the set location. In other words, leave all those heavy traps in the truck or buggy. There is no need to carry 10 extra pounds of weight to your first few sets if you only need one or two traps. 

Trapping is enough effort as is and there is no reason to carry extra weight unless you just want the workout! 

Only carry as many traps as you need to get the job done. Period. 


If you want to learn how we run a line with step-by-step instruction, visit our main page and become a member!

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Trapline Tips | Be Consistent


One of the simplest ways we can increase efficiency as trappers is to BE CONSISTENT! 

Every outdoors pursuit is a game of inches and we want to stack every inch we can in our favor. A great place to gain an easy inch is by intentionally doing things the same way every time. Something as small as grabbing your gear in the same hand each time you hop out of the buggy/truck. 

This might not seem like a big deal - and in reality, it probably isn't. BUT when we go out to do something, we do everything we can to be successful. If that means we thoughtfully implement an organizational standard operating procedure that may save us 5-10 seconds while making a set, we're going to do it! 

That's really what it comes down to. 5-10 seconds is a wild guess - it may be more, it may be less but the point remains the same. Handling and organizing your gear consistently aids in the effort to make set-making a fluent and efficient task. By having your tools in the same place every time...

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New to trapping? We've got you covered!

Let's be real. If you've ever thought about getting into trapping for yourself the first obstacle you run into is...What all do I need??

This question will more often than not lead you to an online trappers forum that'll be filled with a bunch of different opinions on all the different tools you need to start. There are many ways to skin a cat, but if you're looking to get started multiple opinions and no clear path forward makes it difficult! So you may just say, "Never mind" at this point...That's the problem we want to eliminate with our RPA Start-Up Kit. 

This isn't a "Starters" kit...This is EVERYTHING you need to start trapping predators for yourself - the only tool you will need to provide on your own is a portable drill! 

All of these tools are the exact same as what you'll see our team use in our educational course. These are the tools that we've put in our bag over decades of professional trapping experience trying new products and making personal modifications....

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Pre-Season Preparation

The best defense is a good offense! So we want to share with you the top 10 things you MUST DO before you start trapping this season! 

RPA's Top 10 Pre-Season Must-Do's! (click this link for a free download of our checklist)

When something is worth doing, it's worth doing well. And there is no better way to be ready for your trapping season than to make sure your ducks are in a row well before your season opener! The easiest way to let the predators on your property slip away is to not be prepared. 

The NUMBER ONE task we strongly recommend you complete prior to the trapping opener in your state is: GET LEGAL. This consists of acquiring all appropriate licenses and tags as well as diligently reviewing all current rules and regulations in your area. Confidently staying in good legal standing is the best way to make sure your season is a positive one. This will also help keep this pursuit alive and well for generations to come - and that's what it's all about! 


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Learning How to Trap in 2021

These days there are infinite ways to learn how to perform any number of new skills. But when it comes to predator trapping the methods have been the same for decades. In years past many people could point to or name the person who taught them how to trap but today this encounter looks a little bit different - especially when it comes to the next generation of trappers. 

Last month the RPA team had the opportunity to present at the World Deer Expo and the National Trappers Association's annual conventions. At these shows we got to know a wide range of folks who love the outdoors and after a while we started to notice a trend. The vast majority of people, both young and old, who have attempted to learn how to predator trap have used the same tool: YouTube. 

We were also shocked by the number of young men we met who dragged their parents, grandparents, aunts, or uncles to these shows. I guess "dragged" isn't the right word here...It's more like, the kids developed an...

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Learn all 12 sets - Expand your Arsenal


Different situations call for different sets. At RPA we understand the importance of mixing up your looks for hard-to-catch predators. That's why we've included 12 different sets for our members to learn inside of our Complete Rex Predator Academy with more sets being added as they are developed! 

Learn how to trap predators or start catching MORE. 

Become a member today and start expanding your arsenal!



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Hank Parker Puts RPA to the Test


This week the one and only Hank Parker joins us on the trapline. He's showed a great interest in trapping his hunting land for predators and RPA has decided to help him out! 

Hank is putting RPA through the ringer and using what he's learned in The Complete Rex Predator Academy to set his first EVER trapline. 

Let's see what he's got! 

Follow along on on Facebook and Instagram

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Take the Confusion out of Trapping Coyotes

We know what it's like out there. Learning how to trap coyotes can be a tough task if you don't know where to look! You can search all over youtube, facebook, and google just to find a bunch of pieces based on varying styles and techniques but still end up right where you started - confused. And in today's world it isn't exactly easy to find a veteran to teach you the ropes. 

Rex Predator Academy wants to put an end to the confusion. Our program is based on decades of proven success and is broken down into a step-by-step format that makes learning easy. Each video is a detailed explanation of one step - not the whole process. This makes looking back to refresh so much easier! 

Forget where to place your trap for a certain set? Watch the "Grounding the Trap" video for that set. 

Can't remember what factors go into choosing a set location? Go to our "Location" module (11 videos). 

Need a refresher on how to bed your trap? Re-watch our "Bed the Trap" video. 


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LEARN how to Trap Predators

At RPA we pride ourselves on delivering the most in-depth trappers education program available. We want to fill you in on every single detail that we know separates us from the rest. In the trapping world, just as in any craft, the folks at the top keep some things to themselves so they can continue to perform at a level above and beyond the rest. Not RPA. 

We want our members to achieve our level of trapping success and give them the tools to go BEYOND us. Not only do we show you exactly what we do in a step-by-step format, we explain the concepts of why we do what we do so you can take that information, adapt, and think of creative solutions on your own! Thinking critically and creatively not only helps our members to learn faster but it allows them to work quickly and confidently out in the field because they grasp these concepts. 

If you’re a beginner and have never touched a trap before in your life, we will guide you through the entire process. RPA...

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Opening Day - The Best Day of the Year

The first day of deer season is practically a holiday where we come from - as it should be. There is nothing better than getting out there for your first hunt of the year. You’ve been preparing for months, if not the entire year, and this is what it all boils down to! Your bow is adjusted and sighted in, your food plots are lush, you’ve got your tags, and everything is ready to go. 

Hunting on opening day of bow season isn’t even about harvesting a monster buck (although it’s important to remember that anything can happen). Opening day is about being out there and feeling the joys that only come from the outdoors - something very few people on earth get to experience. The first moment of peace you feel when you settle down in your stand for the first hunt of the year is a feeling you can’t replicate. After months of rushing around and getting everything in order to make this moment possible you get to relax. It’s a classic game of...

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